
Clean and Fair: affordable and nutritious foods for a sustainable world


We all deserve to eat well but, sometimes, our limited budgets make good nutrition hard. Our real foods are healthy, delicious products that provide superior nutritional power.

Clean and Fair helps you buy real sustainable foods that are free of agrochemicals, produced using the best sustainable practices available, paid at fair prices to the farmers, while remaining affordable for the consumer.

By ensuring a fair and transparent production chain, and providing a simplified certification system, Clean and Fair generates the best conditions for all parties involved: the producer, the retailer, and the consumer.

Our goals are to increase production, improve yields, increase added-value, and support marketing efforts.

With Clean & Fair products, you are sure to purchase the highest quality products at the most affordable prices, while supporting sustainable productive communities around the world.


How is Clean and Fair unique

There are many certifications for food products, but Clean and Fair is a simple, affordable alternative to monitor food production, from the soil to the shelf, providing guidelines that comply with all the requirements for clean foods, while ensuring that the production and marketing process is fair for all.

We aim to achieve transparency throughout the entire value chain, by using Blockchain tools and indicators that guarantee traceability, in such a way that the consumer can verify every step: where the product was purchased, how it was processed, and be reassured that the farmers received fair compensation.

For instance, using Blockchain, the consumer can verify the rate received by the producer on the day of the purchase, or where the premiums obtained have been allocated. In the same way, we can measure increases in productivity or investments in marketing efforts to optimize financial impacts.

Clean and Fair is a simplified system, which makes the process more affordable than most other certifications.

By reducing the number of steps involved, it cuts down on intermediaries and ensures that the final retailer does not overcharge the consumer.

Our new supply chain model ensures that all members of the chain share the same values, and they all participate in the financial responsibilities, so the cost of the certification does not fall on the farmer alone, it is instead shared by all members of the supply chain. This helps secure fair rates for the producers and affordable prices for the consumers.

We also work with retailers who wish to benefit the producer by granting premiums that are directly reinvested in the farming communities but cannot afford to cut on well-established distribution steps, and thus cannot guarantee such low prices to the consumers. For those companies, we grant certifications that are Clean and Fair for the producer.


Our values

Our commitment is to guarantee to the consumers that the products they acquire uphold the following measurable values:

  • Fair for the producer (the products are bought directly from the farmers at fair prices, which can be verified in our web page or using Blockchain tools)
  • Fair for the consumer (the number of brokers is reduced by directly linking small scale producers with private sector companies, thus reducing intermediaries and, consequently, final costs; reasonable retail prices and limits to percentage of overprices are suggested, to avoid overcharging the consumer) – our suggested retail prices are nearly half what consumers are paying now
  • Fair trading practices (Premiums obtained above the usual commercial rate can be significant; for instance, Clean and Fair organic cacao producers will obtain a premium of 24 cents US$ per kilo to be directly invested to increase productivity, use best available farming techniques, improve infrastructure, marketing, and financing. These premiums are at least twice the usual commercial rates. The farmers may even receive extra premium from the brand or direct retailer involved in the supply chain, to be invested in areas of their choice)